Strategy of Truth
In a post-Clausewitzean strategy (where overkill is what MUST be avoided),
the living organism itself and its manipulation become the stakes
(the object) of war. It is a matter of producing being, and no longer
of producing truth. Politics is no longer located in the symbolic
but in the biological and the psychic dimension, via electromagnetic
energy, etc. The symbolic remains in the form of infowar, i.e. as
a strategy of truth and no longer as a regime of truth. The "truth"
is constructed pragmatically, productively, as a function of the effects
it can produce. In this sense, it becomes impossible to believe in
the antagonism between a regime of truth (claiming authenticity and
deriving from the symbolic) and a strategy of truth (which doesn't
care if the truth is true, and is concerned more with the distribution,
circulation and effects of a message, than with its production).

· Autonomous Knowledge and Power
· Strategy of Truth
· Wars of Information