New World (B)Order
A cooperation of Public Netbase and Tanzquartier Wien

Tanzquartier Wien
Museumsplatz 1/5
A-1070 Wien

While, with globalisation, the freedom of the money and commodity markets is an article of faith, the large majority of people are subject to ever tighter limits. Surveillance, limitation of fundamental rights and social and cultural control structures are more than ever a component of the so-called new world order.

Precisely in Latin America, artists and activists are part of the emancipatory movement. Crossing the borders, they are pushing semiotics and social implications into the focus of political activism, theory production and artistic intervention.

The New World (B)Order event attempts to combine performative forms of media activism and post-colonial analysis as a common stage for network culture and globalisation critique. Whether through the presentation of women’s life stories (Coco Fusco), through a digital practice of artistic disobedience (Ricardo Dominguez) or through local media- cultural work (Dezentrale Medien, FO/Golab) – breaking up habitual patterns of perception is the precondition for calling the new world (dis)order into question.

Ticket Reservation for 18.01.2003 at 20.30 Uhr, Halle G (Price category:B)

Ticket Reservation for 19.01.2003 at 17.00 Uhr, Halle G (Price category:B)

Ticket Reservation for 19.01.2003 at 19.00 Uhr, Halle G (Price category:B)


Institute for New Culture Technologies t0
Temporary Quarters
Burggasse 21
A-1070 Vienna / Austria
Phone: ++ 43-1-522 18 34
Fax: ++ 43-1-522 50 58

Sat. 18 January 20.30
Tanzquartier Wien / Halle G

Coco Fusco (USA)
Dolores 10 to 22
Video Installation

> Realmedia Stream

Coco Fusco (USA)
The Incredible Disappearing Woman
Dramatic Reading

The Incredible Disappearing Woman is about art, sex and death, situated at the border of USA and Mexico. The performance shows reflections about the recent situation of latin-american women, who by increasing numbers enter the globalizing job-market.

> Realmedia Stream

Ricardo Dominguez (USA)
Tales of Mayan Technologies

Tales of Mayan Technologies is a one-hour, one-man performance – zapatistic messages from the future about the power of the past. Dominguez is co-founder of the ‘Electronic Disturbance Theater’ (EDT), a group, that developed 1998 out of solitarity for the zapatistic movement in Chiapas, Mexiko, technologies for the automatisation of virtuel sit-ins.

Sat. 18 January, 22.30
Tanzquartier Wien / Halle G

> Realmedia Stream Part 1
> Realmedia Stream Part 2

Coco Fusco (USA), Ricardo Dominguez (USA), Fran Illich (Mexico)
Panel Discussion

Following the NEW WORLD (B)ORDER performances,
Coco Fusco, Ricardo Dominguez and the Mexican writer
and political activist Fran Ilich will discuss their work and their positions within the larger context of net culture and critique of globalization.

Presenter: Wolfgang Sützl (Chief Researcher of World-Information.Org, philosopher and translator, teaches at universities in Spain, Mexico and Austria).

Sun. 19 January, 17.00
Tanzquartier Wien / Halle G

Dezentrale Medien
Wien woanders (2001/02)
nine short films about Vienna
DVD, approx. 90 min.

From October 2001 to July 2002 we were working with public and semi-public spaces and decided to shoot short films about various places in Vienna. One thing the group had in common was the concept of Vienna as a place of immigration. The venues describe an important part of the life of the youth in this city. All contributions can be seen individually or combined with each other and thus provide a specific picture of Vienna (or somewhere else).
dezentrale medien sees itself as a project group and has been working since spring 2000 together with young people, mainly from an immigrant background, on projects in the sphere of the new media.

This project arose from cooperation with the initiative Minderheiten.

Sun. 19 January, 19.00
Tanzquartier Wien / Studios

"Blank-made Areas"

In its archive function FO/GOlab collects video material from women’s organisations from various regions. FO/GOlab also acts as a lab and records situations in which fragments of collected video material are shown in order among other things to visually manufacture new contexts/relationships on current women’s issues.

In the context of the New World (B)Order project, FO/GOlab will design a stage around the concept of Blank-made Areas (informal labour market) in a discursive and performative way. Women from various disciplines will be invited in order to approach the subject from different perspectives.

FO/Golab (Angelika Bartl, Isabel Becker, Priska Graf, Irene Lucas, Elisabeth Penker, Johanna Rille, Isabell Schmidlehner) was founded in 2001 during a workshop with Hito Steyerl at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Vienna.