STIMBOD - stimulate STELARC via Multiple Muscle Stimulation system and
... now on our Video Feed ....
@ Public Netbase / t0, November 11th 1995 at 14:00.
viewvia Picture Tel from Telepolis/Luxemburg
... STIMBOD - software manual ...
... Links to other STIMBOD Remote Sites...
The Web site will allow monitoring and updating of the visual events between the the remote sites and Luxemburg.
With the Third Hand attached, it becomes a split body - on the LHS (left
hand side)
voltage in, generates involuntary limb motion; on the RHS (right hand side)
out (using electrodes on the abdominal and leg muscles) actuates the
robotic Third
Sensors on the arms, head and left leg allow the body to become the
switcher, and video mixer, structurally connecting motion with image.
motions from the body will also generate sampled body signals and sounds.
18.00 Center for 20th Century Studies, Univ. of Wisconson at Milwaukee, USA,
Kathleen Woodward, Director
Site coordinator: Nigel Rothfels
19.00 TELEPOLIS exhibition audience
20.00 DOORS of PERCEPTION, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Josephine Grieve and Geke van Dijk, site coordinators
21.00 TELEPOLIS exhibition audience
23.00 The McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, University of
Toronto, Canada.
Derrick de Kerckhove, Director, Graham Smith, site
Saturday November 11, 1995.
15.00 Public NetBase, Vienna, Austria at The Depot, Messepalast
Konrad Becker, Director, Marie Ringler, site coordinator
16.00 TELEPOLIS exhibition audience
17.00 Kunsthaus Hamburg, Deutschland and Mike Hentz, UniverCity TV
Malcolm Dow, site coordiator
18.00 TELEPOLIS audience
19.00 Media Lab at the University of Art and Design, Helsinki, Finland
Kari Hintikka, site coordinator
20.00 Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Christian Vanderborght, UniversCity TV, site coordinator
22.00 CYBERSPACE PARTY: Electronic Ambient Music
Live concerts and Djs with: Robert Gorl, ex DAF, Disko B, Muenchen, Dj
Telstar. Ultraschall Ambient Area, Muenchen, Dj Christian Vogel, Melle
Plateaux, Tresor, Brighton UK. Dj Matt Consume, The Bos, Brighton UK;
visuals Mediamorph, Berlin.
The Performance of FRACTAL FLESH, at Telepolis:Stelarc, Conceptual design and performance
Jens Heise, Technical director
Kathy Rae Huffman, Remote performance site coordinator
Francois Altwies, Equipment organization
Nico Mack, Video installation
Curd Duca, Sound installation
Thomas Schoenherr, Communications
Oliver Frommel, Telepolis webmaster
Keisuke Oki, html programming
Michael Diedrichs, D. Design+Partners, Luxembourg, graphics layout and design
Additionally: the numerous Performance Assistants and the Telepolis staff.FRACTAL FLESH Software design:
Tele-Stimbod application allows Remote Sites to control Stelarc's Stimbod software and Stimbox hardware for FRACTAL FLESH.
The Stimbod application was originally written by Troy Innocent Ridge, Melbourne.
It was modified to include the remote modem access and communications component by Gary Zebington of Merlin Integrated Media, Sydney, who designed the Stelarc Web Site: