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Re: Do / prevent X unless Y

 Woking Library  <> wrote:
 >When do you pay the cost of Y in cases like:
 >Vodalian Mage
 These costs are paid during resolution, since the effect does something unless
 a player pays a cost.
 >Lim Duls Hex
 >Soul Barrier
 These costs are paid during damage prevention, since the effects just deal
 damage, and then give the player(s) a way to prevent the damage.
 >Presumably if the source is destroyed after X, but before Y then
 >you can still pay Y (eg Naf's Asp destroyed after it damages. It
 >could still do extra damage and extra damage could still be prevented
 >by paying 1 mana)
 Destroying the source won't stop a player from buying her way out of it, no.
 >Prevent X unless you do/pay Y: timing slightly different?
 >eg Brainwash. Do you have to pay the 3 mana before assigning the
 >attacker, after assignment, or as a cost to assign?
 >eg Drought. Is the sacrifice done before anouncement, after or 
 >as an additional cost during anouncement?
 In both cases, you pay ahead of time, since you are paying for the privilege
 to do something.
 Tom Wylie* Network Representative for		Wizards of the Coast, Inc.