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Re: What's in it? Re: Non-stick spray

 On Jun 28, 1996 23:19:02 in article <Re: What's in it? Re: Non-stick
 spray>, ' (Helle G. Paulsen)' wrote: 
 > M. Ford) wrote: 
 >>On Jun 26, 1996 19:05:03 in article <What's in it? Re: Non-stick spray>, 
 >>' (Helle G. Paulsen)' wrote:  
 >>>Always a sceptic,  
 >>I'm usually clean.  
 >>Sue (tm)  
 >I had to check if I misspelled "septic". I didn't, so I'm afraid I 
 >have to say - you lost me, there, Sue. 
 My first guess to the pronounciation of "sceptic" was a soft c as in
 "scene" which would have made your sentence "Always a-septic!", hence my
 quip.  From your reaction I assume that "sceptic" is another spelling of
 "skeptic" and that the c is hard, which is why it was only amusing to me :>
 Sue (tm) 
 Lead me not into temptation....  I can find it myself!