I've been told there's been a lot of these lately, but I haven't read any fanfic in OVER FIVE DAYS so any similarities are coincidental. (Yeah, that's what They say.) Feedback, as always, is totally appreciated, even though I've promised myself I'm writing these for me. (Shya right, Allyna.) ARGH! Dallas just scored. (I'm watching the Oilers in their first playoff spot of 4 years on a Friday night because I have no life.) WAIT!! It didn't count. *whew* I'm going to shut up now. Title - The Dion Files: Dreamin' of You Author - Jadar Allyna. E-mail - insurance_broker@compuserve.com [340 lines left ... full text available at <url:http://www.reference.com/cgi-bin/pn/go?choice=message&table=05_1997&mid=488385&hilit=BRAIN+FEEDBACK> ] -------------------------------- Article-ID: 05_1997&476594 Score: 78 Subject: Potato Twist 1/1 by tj thwaites