THE PACT (PART 16) by Madeleine Partous email: "Am I a 'shipper? Nah. I just don't have a problem with best friends sleeping together." DISCLAIMER IN PART ONE NEW YORK CITY MANHATTAN CENTRAL MORGUE FRIDAY, 10:13 AM Mulder made a point of arriving late the next morning. Nothing had improved overnight; if anything it was worse because now he was mad as hell too. After she'd left, he'd spent the first couple of hours tossing and turning on his cot back at the shelter, burying his nose in his overcoat to drown out the smell and listening to Juan's contented, even snores. [246 lines left ... full text available at <url:> ] -------------------------------- Article-ID: 05_1997&645625 Score: 78 Subject: SALE - OOP Revised Homelands Alliances Chronicles 4th