:: Cultural Intelligence by World-Information.Org ::
>> Slaves and Expert Systems

BraveNew World
Work with a laptop on the beach.Become socially isolated working at home all the time.
Perform your tasks whenever you like.Work day and night and forget the difference between work and leisure time.
Communicate via mobile phone and e-mail independent of time and place. Be on call 24 hours a day, no matter if its working hours or not.
Talk to your colleagues via video-conference.Think about the times you went for a drink with your co-workers after a hard day.

Slave. A machine or component controlled by another machine or component.

Humans started extending their physical capabilities very early. They invented tools to expand their power and facilitate work. Over the centuries mechanical instruments were replaced with more sophisticated machinery.

Expert System. Computer software that attempts to simulate the reasoning of a human specialist.

Early computing machines were already developed in the 18th and 19th century. Their aim was to facilitate and speed up the solution of mathematical problems. With the onset of World War II computer technology also started catching the attention of governments.

Today computers are smaller, faster and cheaper than ever. They have colonised offices and homes. And specialists have equipped them with a certain amount of intelligence, continuing to work towards a copy of the human mind in the form of chips and code.

Liberty vs. Dependence. Modern technologies have attained widespread use and acceptance in the working world. They stir fears and doubts, but also revive dreams of freedom and independence. Visionaries see the future worker as self-determined nomad, liberated from traditional restrictions and constraints through laptops, cellular phones and networking technology. Yet the promises might not be as tempting as they seem.