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20 05 2003 Campaign against the violation of data protection
Public Netbase’s International Campaign against the violation of data
protection laws informs passengers at Vienna Airport
US-bound passengers are facing the risk of their personal data,
including credit card number and religious affiliation, being
transferred to the US authorities without their knowledge. Airlines have
been forced to adopt these policies following a new EU directive that
also applies to Austria, although this is a clear violation of existing
data protection legislation.
In order to draw the attention of the public to this issue, an
international campaign was organized on March 20th, 2003. „Public
Netbase has taken part in the campaign by staging a protest at Vienna
Airport.“, says Konrad Becker, the director of the net culture
institution. „It is vital not to passively accept the increasing
encroachment on fundamental rights. As cultural workers we have the duty
to speak out and make it clear that the fight against terrorism must not
serve as a justification for such a severe violation of privacy rights.”
The campaign was initiated by a European network of digital civil rights
organizations. It intends to generate an awareness of the damage done to
democracy under the guise of security. “Our book ‘Politics of the
Infosphere’, produced in cooperation with the German Center for Civic
Education, was an important publication in this regard. Today’s action
at Vienna Airport Public Netbase has given a very real dimension to our
theoretical criticism”, Becker concluded.
Further Information (EDRi.org)

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