Stanford Wong has provided "links" from his 21BJ page to other sources in the wonderful world of blackjack. Even though his links are very interesting venues, he decided to leave us out at! It is very disappointing that Wong(who was a great contributor to this newsgroup) decided to ignore us with his link. When Wong proposed his page , he promised he would not censor any post that would contribute to the betterment of playing blackjack. Well my friends, he did just that with me. I posted a response about pet peeve's about dealer's, and he erased it. The issue I raised was the insecerity of dealers saying "good luck" to us. The original poster asked this question and Wong saw fit to flush both of us! I, as you, should be outraged at the disrespect that Wong has given us. How dare he use this newsgroup to recruit suckers(He is asking $595.00/yr. for his black page) without giving back to us with a link from his web page to JSTAT