As you may have heard, a number of FAQ maintainers are working on a book about FAQs and other periodic informational postings. It's intended to be a general-audience book, with information on the history of FAQs; how to access them through Usenet, the WWW, and other methods; when and how to contribute to FAQs; and so on. It will also contain a catalog of all the FAQs in the List of Periodic Informational Postings, sorted into a number of categories. We would like to include a CD-ROM with the book, containing the FAQs themselves as well as "live" links to WWW or FTP sites (rtfm and, if nothing else) where more recent copies of the postings can be found. We will only be including postings for which we have explicit permission to do so, and we'll be careful to explain about modification dates and how to get newer copies of the files. We won't be making any changes to the content, though we may trim extra news headers, concatenate multi-part files, and make other minor changes of that sort. We don't yet have a publisher for the book, so I can't guarantee what sort of compensation we would be able to offer, but we hope to provide either a T-shirt, a copy of the book/CD-ROM, or both to those maintainers who allow us to include their postings. We're not in this to make money; as a form of compensation for FAQ maintainers, we also plan to donate a portion of the proceeds from the book to a worthy cause, preferably one related to FAQs, although the details haven't been worked out yet. (If you'd like to participate in the discussion, send "subscribe faqbook" in the Subject of email to [39 lines left ... full text available at <url:> ] -------------------------------- Article-ID: 05_1997&5966622 Score: 78 Subject: U.S. ARMY EMPLOYS ILLEGALS!