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PALDEV Digest - 26 May 1997 to 29 May 1997SNS on PA aid, settlements, final status

SNS News Service   "Canceling TV Tax"                       Time:  18:24hrs
May 28, 1997.. 21 Iyar   5757..Volume II,         Number  872.. Update from

        SNS NEWS SERVICE -"Israel Internet News Service Ltd."
                Israel's Only 24-Hour Internet  News Service


Helms & Gilman Call for Stopping PA Assistance
(SNS News Service -Israel- 5/28) In protest of the newly enacted PA law
pertaining to selling of land to Jews, Senator Jesse Helms and Congressman
Benjamin Gilman have pledged to work to block additional financial aid to
the PA until the law is retracted.

Senator Helms and Congressman Gilman are the Chairmen of the  Senate
Foreign Relations and House International Relations Committees, respectively.

The two powerful Capital Hill personalities have already sent a letter to
Secretary of State Albright, informing her they intend to work towards
blocking future aid to the PA.

According to the two, despite a 5-year- aid package that was signed,
committing $500 million annually to the PA, they stated the new law is
contradictory to accepted international norms and the aid cannot continue.




Arab Housing Negates Israel's National Interests
(SNS News Service -Israel-5/28)  National Infrastructure Minister (Likud)

[201 lines left ... full text available at <url:http://www.reference.com/cgi-bin/pn/go.py?choice=message&table=05_1997&mid=5578282&hilit=COPYRIGHT+LEGAL> ]

Article-ID: 05_1997&5780631
Score: 80
Subject: Re: Macintosh. Plug and Play. Someday