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5/12/97 P.E.R.S.O.N. Project news and alertsCourt TV Seeks Teens for Documentary

This was forwarded to me to pass on... Please respond to Mr. Gilford at
jgilford@counsel.com and NOT to me... Thanks! -- J


>>My name is Joe Gilford.  I am the producer of Court TV's "Justice Factory,"
>>a weekly documentary series for and about teenagers.  Currently we are
>>preparing and researching a show on Gay Rights.  I am hoping you and your
>>group might be able to point me to some great stories about gay youth,
>>their rights and the law.  Our audience, like yours, is age 14-25.  I hope
>>you can help.
>>Conact me by reply, or:
>>Joe Gilford
>>Court TV Justice Factory
>>600 Third Ave.
>>New York, NY 10016

Jason Hungerford <jason@critpath.org>
"Internet Youth Guardian" 

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"I'd rather be hated for something I am
Than loved for something I'm not"
"Tiny ripples of hope... from a million different 
centers of daring and energy will change the world"

[170 lines left ... full text available at <url:http://www.reference.com/cgi-bin/pn/go?choice=message&table=05_1997&mid=2556296&hilit=CENSOR+CENSORED+CENSORS> ]

Article-ID: 05_1997&2505536
Score: 83
Subject: "Bravo" Censors Monty Python