VR Job Vacancy - University of Edinburgh ---------------------------------------- The Graphics and Multimedia Group, Computing Services, University of Edinburgh have a vacancy for a highly motivated, well qualified and experienced VR computer scientist/software engineer. The funding for the post is evenly split between a 3 year JISC Technology Applications Programme (JTAP) project "Virtual Laboratory Developers ToolKit" (VLDTK), where the candidate will be expected to bring the necessary VR and real-time 3D graphics expertise to the project, and the University, where the successful candidate will assist in the development of the Edinburgh Virtual Environment Centre (EdVEC). The post offers a great opportunity and excellent career potential for the right person. Full details of the post (Ref: WW 696283) are on the WWW at: http://graphics.ed.ac.uk/VLDTK Please direct anyone you think may be interested to these web pages. Best Regards, Roy Middleton Graphics and Multimedia Group Computing Services University of Edinburgh King's Buildings Tel: 0131 650 4994 Mayfield Road Fax: 0131 650 6552 Edinburgh EH9 3JZ Email: r.middleton@ed.ac.uk