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compiling Tiny3D.java

Hi  there!
My name is Adawiyah Adnan and I'm from Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Recently I've tried to compile the source code Tiny3D.java.
It turned up with 17 errors which says...

Tiny3D.java:9: Class netscape.javascript.JSObject not found in import.
..\\TinyClump.java:57: Class netscape.plugin.Plugin not found in
  transArray = browser.createVrmlFromString("Transform{}");

Well all the 17 errors are likely caused by the lack of plugin.class or

I've found out that I can extract the files from java_301 and have
already done that, put the "extracted" directory javascript and plugin
under the directory C:\Program Files\Netscape\.

I've also included...
SET CLASSPATH=C:java\lib\classes.zip;C:\Program

....in my autoexec.bat file and reboot my PC.

Anyway ...the errors still occur...whatelse the mistake could be?
Please someone...do help me to solve this problem.

Thank you in advance.

- adawiyah adnan -

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