Hi there! My name is Adawiyah Adnan and I'm from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Recently I've tried to compile the source code Tiny3D.java. It turned up with 17 errors which says... Tiny3D.java:9: Class netscape.javascript.JSObject not found in import. .. .. .. ..\\TinyClump.java:57: Class netscape.plugin.Plugin not found in TinyClump(Tiny3D,int). transArray = browser.createVrmlFromString("Transform{}"); .. .. .. Well all the 17 errors are likely caused by the lack of plugin.class or JSObject.class. I've found out that I can extract the files from java_301 and have already done that, put the "extracted" directory javascript and plugin under the directory C:\Program Files\Netscape\. I've also included... SET CLASSPATH=C:java\lib\classes.zip;C:\Program Files\Netscape\Navigator\Program\java\classes;C:\java\classes\vrml\%CLASSPATH% ....in my autoexec.bat file and reboot my PC. Anyway ...the errors still occur...whatelse the mistake could be? Please someone...do help me to solve this problem. Thank you in advance. - adawiyah adnan - ------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Please send administrative requests to <majordomo@sdsc.edu> *** -------------------------------------------------------------------