My apologies to those of you who recieve this more than once +++ The Networked Virtual Reality Resource Centres fo Art and Design +++ +++ The Applications of VRML & Java in Art & Design Workshop +++ Would you like to come and talk about your work with VRML and Java and inspire others to have a go. If you would the NVRCADs will be holding the first of their workshops, "Applications of VRML & Java in Art & Design", at Coventry University on the 23rd of September 97. We would like people to talk for 20 minutes with 10 minutes in which to answer questions. This is not a tutorial session the talks should show what can be done not how its is done. If you are interested please get in touch with Liam at Coventry University. tel 01203 838522 or mail If you have no idea who NVRCADs are then check out our sites at. Coventry University (currently contains only project description) University of Plymouth (project description + links) University of Teesside (more stuff) -- Liam Birtles:(NVRCAD), Visual Information Design (VIDe), Coventry University, Priory Street, CV1 5FB. mail: tel: 01203 838046