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Aother hard one on PROTO & vrml/java-script


Here's the second problem I have found:

2. Now I have various objects created from a PROTO and I would like to
eliminate them from the wrl by clicking on them. How can I know which is which?
The following example is another frustrated effort:

PROTO fooProto [
   field SFVec3f position 0 0 0
   field SFNode father NULL ]

   # Define Shape of object and the TouchSensor which has to activate deletion
   DEF GenTrans Transform {
      translation IS position
      children [
         Shape {
            geometry Box { size 1 1 1 }
            appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 1 1 1 } }
         DEF TSProtoD TouchSensor {}

   # Script which deletes object
   DEF DelProto Script {
      directOutput TRUE
      eventIn SFBool delete
      field SFNode whoami NULL
      field SFNode environment IS father

      url "vrmlscript:
         // Hold identity in field "whoami"
         function initialize(){
            whoami = environment.children_changed[
                           environment.children_changed.length - 1];

         // Delete object whose pointer is held in "whoami"
         function delete(v) {
               environment.removeChildren = new MFNode(whoami);
   ROUTE TSProtoD.isActive TO DelProto.delete


DEF Environment Group {
   children [
      fooProto{ position 5 0 0, father USE Environment }
      fooProto{ position 0 0 0, father USE Environment }
      fooProto{ position -5 0 0, father USE Environment }

When I click on any of the cubes, nothing happens!

If I change the line in the "initialize"  function for:

            whoami = environment.children_changed[0];

then, when I click on any of the objects, the first cube is deleted but the
rest (of course) are not.

* Anybody has a clue why this happens?
* Anybody has alternatives to doing this?

Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards,


1                                          1
1  Narcis Pares i Burgues                  0
0  Coordinator of the VR Lab               0
1  Institut Universitari de l'Audiovisual  1 
0  Universitat Pompeu Fabra                1 
1  Rambla, 31                              0
1  08002 Barcelona                         1 
0  http://www.iua.upf.es/~npares/          1
1                                          0
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