Dear Noman Khalid-Khan, AssalaamOAlaikum (Greetings), >From Sun May 5 07:39:50 1996 Date: Sun, 05 May 1996 10:39:09 -0400 (EDT) From: Noman Khalid-Khan <> Subject: My Skepticism of the Sufis Tradition. X-Sender: To: Progressive <>, Pakistan Discussion List <>,,,,,, "Prof. Thomas M. Robinson" <>, "Prof. LP, Gerson" <> Message-id: <> MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT This message was originally submitted by yu128642@YORKU.CA to the PAKISTAN list at PSUVM.PSU.EDU. If you simply forward it back to the list, using a mail command that generates "Resent-" fields (ask your local user support or consult the documentation of your mail program if in doubt), it will be distributed and the explanations you are now reading will be removed automatically. If on the other hand you edit the contributions you receive into a digest, you will have to remove this paragraph manually. Finally, you should be able to contact the author of this message by using the normal "reply" function of your mail program. ---------------- Message requiring your approval (271 lines) ------------------ The following is the year end Philosophizing for 95-96. I require that all of you read this as I am sure that being muslim or interested in Islamic Theology you must have opinions regarding it. Also if you are interested in Aristotle, Al Farabi or any ontological and the debate regarding the nature of the act of Creation (EX-Nihilo) this, then, should be particularly interesting. Although,the following is a letter addressed to a Prof at the University of Toronto in the Middle-Eastern and Islamic department, nonetheless, you should be able to grasp the essentials of the argument I submit. The class I attended (rather auditted) was MEI.453Y (Topics in Islamic Mystical Thought). So I'll let you go through the letter and please do not hesistate to give me your opinion on the matter. It would be nice as to generate a discussion on the matter between the recipients of this message throughout the summer months. PS..Those of you who got this on a list server and I don't know you personally please REPLY TO MY ADDRESS Below OR the Following address: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <<<<<NOMES>>>>> Noman Khalid-Khan University Of Toronto History/Philosophy Tel#416-5120840 =========================================================================== Unconcerned, mocking, violent -- thus Wisdom want us: She is a woman and always loves only a warrior. TSZ, BKII.(F.N) ============================================================================== ====FORWARDED DOCUMENT=========== Date: April 16th, 1996. From: Noman Khalid-Khan To: Professor Timothy J. Gianotti Re: My scepticism of the Sufis tradition. with word 'help' in message body