> <snip> After these suicides, [Art Bell whipping up > this hysteria <snip>. > I think that he truly is now being lead by satan. You must be "JC" the "Devil's Mouthpiece" caller. You are the one with the "hysteria." > and I think his role in the upcoming Armeggedon > will be to further and further promote and whip > up people's insanity <snip> Yes, it does seem like you have Art Bell pictured in that "mind" of yours as, perhaps, well at least nearly, the "Antichrist," himself. > and push them further and further into the occult... Oh, my gosh, the "occult," so we should all shiver and shake, now, huh? Well, the new champion of alt.fan.art-bell, seems to me to be another of "Devil's Mouthpiece" accusers of Art Bell, one of the "fundamentalist fanatics." Well, you people in afa-b will accept anything. You have a hard time getting supporters. More on the "FACTS ABOUT THE FAQS" of alt.fan.art-bell Just go to YAHOO type in Bruce Daniel Kettler > ...shows me that Bell has firmly chosen the wrong side... Yes, like the fundamentalist materialist, (so-called "skeptic") the fundamentalist Christian walks side-by-side with their EITHER-OR mentality. [26 lines left ... full text available at <url:http://www.reference.com/cgi-bin/pn/go?choice=message&table=04_1997&mid=4597262&hilit=PARANORMAL> ] -------------------------------- Article-ID: 04_1997&4580494 Score: 80 Subject: Re: To: Donald-Definition of "Psychic"