I have the following CD's for sale. It's been awhile since I ran my last sale, and I've got a lot of new items for sale. Here's how I work: Email me to hold any CD's that you're interested in. CD's will be shipped immediately on receipt of a money order or bank check, or when personal checks have cleared (typically 4 business days). I'll notify you via e-mail when I receive your check, and when I've sent your cd's. All cd's are shipped well protected in cardboard or in a padded mailer. Shipping: Please add $1.00 for the first CD .50 each additional item All US shipping will be 1st class. Maximum shipping is $5.00- I'll cover anything over that. If you live outside of the US, please send me your location and we'll work out the shipping rate. I offer the following discounts: ================================ Buy any 4 items and take 10% off the total Buy any 8 items and take 15% off the total. Buy 10 or more items and take 15% off and get shipping free. Please e-mail me at zampino@panix.com to inquire if records you are interested in are available, and to request that I hold them for you. Phil Zampino http://www.panix.com/~zampino/ <--- have a look if you're curious who I am! ****************************** Unusual/Experimental *************************** Esplendor Geometrico Mekano Turbo Dragnet 9.00 * Spanish experimental and noise band P53 P53 Recommended 10.00 Factory sealed ZGA Sub Luna Morrior Recommended 10.00 * Sound experimentation and interesting composition from this Russian using a rather cantankerous and elaborate set of homemade instruments. Various Artists Dreaming Clouds Prudence 7.00 Christoper Dean Carsten Schnell Blonker Cusco Zinkl Roykey Jolly Kunjappu Joe Weineck Bernward Koch Eleven of Hearts Johannes Walter Decebel Badila Codera Adrian Marcator Andy Cutic Various Artists First Edition - The Audion Sa Audion 7.00 Don Slepian Emerald Web Barry Cleveland Synergy Gary Hughes Roger Powell Neil Nappe Various Artists Klang-Klavier RecRec 10.00 * Early RecRec compilation featuring