Hi. I need to get some Wildstorm cards for my deck. I need 3 Call in a Favor(limited), Gen Factor(limited)(plot twist), The Rush(limited), Big Dozer(limited), and Alex Fairchild. I will trade a lot for them. Here is my list of tradeable stuff. I would prefer to make a large deal for all of it. Let me know if you're interested in trading. I might buy them if the price is low. Thanks for looking--Jake. Chase(all black bordered unless marked WB) ___________________________________________ Angela Ash Avengelyne Caitlin Fairchild Coda Voodoo Dane Unleashed Despot(WB) Hardball(WB) Jade(WB) One-Eyed Jack(WB) Pitt Possessed Voodoo Rake(WB) Roxy "Freefall" Spaulding Sarah Rainmaker Tapestry The Maxx The Maxx(WB) Homage Studios x 2 Rares(all black bordered) ___________________________________________ Dane Defile Miles Craven Mnemo Mother One Providence Void Karate Kick x 2 Mental Wall x 2 Overbearing x 2 Shroud of Gloom Super Possession x 2 Tactical Retreat Total Cover Fusion Detonator Jetpack x 3 Jumpjet Vad PP30s Emergency First Aid x 2 Government Investigation Higher Powers at Work Psi-Op Tracking Scanning the Timelines x 2 Supercharge x 2 Behemoth Buried Starship HALO Enterprises Purgatory Max Wildlife Organized Research HQ, Montana x 2 Orb of Restoration x 2