Kossor Education Newsletter.....Volume 1 Number 10 The Kossor Education Newsletter contains timely, useful information for parents and others who are concerned about public education in America and can be sent to you for one year for $15. Steven Kossor is a Licensed Psychologist and Certified School Psychologist who is in private practice in Pennsylvania. He has debated William Spady and other top promoters of education "reform" and is available as a speaker nationally. He can be reached at (610) 383-1432 anytime. A bound collection of the first three volumes of The Kossor Education Newsletter (200+ pps of analysis and evidence) is available for $35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE KOSSOR EDUCATION NEWSLETTER Volume 1 Number 10 Copyright 1994 S.A. Kossor All Rights Reserved 12+ issues annually NSP Box 105 Exton, PA 19341 Annual Subscription $15 The contents of The Kossor Education Newsletter are not to be construed as offering legal advice. Readers seeking legal advice should contact an attorney. HIDDEN AGENDAS in Outcome Based Education (OBE) reform 1. Change the curriculum and the assessments at the same time. New assessment methods can "make the data" necessary to prove that the new curriculum works. By abandoning grades and objective tests and using "portfolios" and other faddish, subjective and poorly researched methods of "performance assessment" to measure student progress, educational bureaucrats can assure themselves continuous employment and compensation. 2. Make education entertaining at all costs. Lack of concern for quality in penmanship, spelling and grammar produces conflict between conscientious parents and their children. Parents who advocate higher quality standards become viewed as hostile, hypercritical, negative influences. Teachers who accept mediocre or poor performance in penmanship, spelling and grammar become viewed as the advocates and supporters of children. Traditional roles of parents and teachers are being reversed -- to the absolute detriment of parents and children. It has been shown (Hayes & Wolfer, Cornell University, 1993) that public school reading assignments have been "simplified" every year since 1947. We know that SAT scores and real achievement have declined drastically. The extent of the decline is actually much worse than one might guess, because the effect of simplification is cumulative -- every time the SAT is re-normed, it ALSO is made simpler, to adjust to the lower reading ability of the normative sample. This means that a person who scores 500 on a 1993 SAT would probably score much lower on an older version of the SAT! We've known that the quality of education has been declining, but we've all been deceived about HOW MUCH. 3. Help children to see their teachers in a favorable light, no matter what. Increasing numbers of teachers are striving to be seen by their students as open, accepting and tolerant, purely as a means of survival in the increasingly violent world of the public school. Teachers who retain high standards may expose themselves to more threats of violence from students, but more often, they are the target of administrative disciplinary action as well, for failing to implement OBE reforms and for failing to lower academic standards to accommodate lower-functioning students. Teacher endorsements of reading matter depicting parents as cruel, evil or incompetent influences creates subtle but with word 'help' in message body netnews@sift.stanford.edu