You wrote: <<<I feel this is overstating the benefits of hypnosis. If hypnosis is that good, I wonder why cancer patients get morphine, since Drs hate prescribing narcotics so much? FWIW, I have tried self-hypnosis, taught by a psychologist specialising in pain management, and found it made the pain go away only for a short time - while I was in the hypnotic state - after which it would return just as bad as before.>> You are right that hypnosis has limited effect on pain control. I have not studied it adequately and thus have remained somewhat silent on the subject previously but want to comment in response to your post. Hypnosis can be effective in giving relief, if only temporarily. some people need as much relief as they can get. And you are true that it last only while you are in the hypnotic state. I have seen videos of people under hypnosis getting root canals and in one case major abdominal surgery. In these cases the patients who cannot have meds without danger have worked extensively in advance with the hypnotist. I know of one hypnotist who lost his leg in Viet Nam and survived by using hypnosis for both pain control and blood loss control. The more you "practice" your self hypnosis the better you will be at it. If it helps you fall asleep, then so be it. I suggest that you practice at it and pain relief shoudl come more quickly and more easily each time. It will not solve your problem, however. I'm a certified hypnotist but my specialty was in foresnic hypnosis. I studied all types of hypnosis but do not practice. I am certified in Florida. Maybe I'll set up a test tape for some on the group to try. It woul dbe a good test to see if a group of test subjects get various levels of relief or none at all. I'll keep you posted. Kelly [end of message ... text also available at <url:> ] -------------------------------- Article-ID: 05_1997&3156000 Score: 90 Subject: [06-01-93] The UFO abduction phenomenon