abergman@minerva.cis.yale.edu (Aaron Bergman) wrote: [transcript of AOL session deleted. I have reformatted it to make it easier to read, removed some of the extraneous material, and have added my comments in square brackets after each answer] --------------------------------------------------------- Q: My question concerns the True Power. How is it distinguishable from the One Power? A: It's fairly self-evident from the book. What can be done with the True Power is very similar to what can be done with the One Power. Except that where the One Power is drawn from the True Source and is the force that drives the Wheel of Time and powers the Universe, the so-called True Power is drawn from the Dark One. There are limits in the same ways there are limits to the One Power. It would be very long if I went into it too much, but some of those limits and costs of drawing on the Dark One are shown in CROWN OF SWORDS. ["so-called True Power"? Is that a hint?] --------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can gateways be created at non-right angles to the ground? If not, why not? If yes, why haven't we seen them? A: They can be, and you haven't seen it because there's been no need to do it. And also some of the people who can make gateways don't know how to do it. --------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do you explain Liah being in Shadar Logoth for so long? A: She became absorbed into the city. She was left there and she is, after all, an Aiel, one of the people better at surviving under harsh circumstances than anyone else in the world. And also her corruption by Shadar Logoth gave her *some* protection. [An important point answered -- in retrospect, it seems obvious that Liah could not have survived just by being Aiel, but must have been corrupted by SL in some way.] --------------------------------------------------------- Q: Because the wheel of time contains the Dark One's prison, and the ages repeat with each revolution, then isnt humanity itself also imprisioned....unable to truly evolve? A: No. :) --------------------------------------------------------- Q: Cuendillar grows stronger when the One Power is directed into it, but can the One Power be drawn out of it, causing it to break? A: Read and find out! :) That's something I may or may not use in a future book, but it's information that I don't want you to have yet. And that's the reason why I say "Read and find out" when I say it. :) --------------------------------------------------------- Q: Will we learn what happened to Jain Charin "Farstrider" after his disappearance? A: Possibly. --------------------------------------------------------- Q: Just out of curiosity, do your predictions (Foretellings and Min's Viewings ) have a well, Delphic quality by accident, or by choice ? And did you ever think of writing a copy of The Prophecies of the Dragon ? A: There's very little in the books that's by accident -- very little -- and no, I've never thought of writing out the complete Prophecies of the Dragon. As already stated in a previous book, they would comprise a volume of some 300 to 400 pages. --------------------------------------------------------- Q: Mr Jordan, can you tell us why Tor is sending you on tour for the Fallon series later this year, but not for A Crown of Swords? A: Well, it was a very short time between handing in A CROWN OF SWORDS and its publication, and in fact, they weren't really sure when I'd