Panel 28 <most pot hole filling [reformatting, citation completion] welcome> Related news groups: rec.arts.books (moderated) REFERENCES References to whitewater are now in Climbing references will shortly be moved to rec.climbing Scouting references moved to rec.scouting This is not intended as a comprehensive list. What do you want? Hand holding in the wilderness? Part of the adventure is in the the self-discovery. This is just a start. Try a library. For instance, climbing and backpacking is the 796.5[012] section (Dewey) or the G 505-510 and GV 190-200 in the Library of Congress section (how do I know that? I've spent a lot of time there). You can find other topics in similar areas. Are you familiar with Books-in-Print? Just look. You can't learn all wisdom from a book, but think of a book as containing the "syntax" of wisdom. In the past, none of these books existed, so their contents get better thru time. BOOKS, Dave Roberts published a fine review of beginning mountaineering books in the 1971 Ascent. While those books were obviously dated, the qualities of the review (all bad) were good. Roberts characterized "Nine Deadly Sins:" Sin of anachronism Sin of atavism Sin of provincialism Sin of over-specificity Sin of technique for it's own sake Sin of equipment freaking Sin of dullness Sin of moral didacticism Sin of ignorance Considering these when getting ANY book. How-to-get started Backpacking: %A Colin Fletcher %T The Complete Walker %X Get the most current version available (III or IV). %X This book unlike most books tries to convey the feeling. Also try (for enjoyment): %A Colin Fletcher %T The Thousand Mile Summer %X Realize that trip was done in 1958 before the outdoor fad. Not a how-to book. %A Colin Fletcher %T The Secret Worlds of Colin Fletcher %D 1988 %X It is suggested that one read Robert Pirsig's "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" first. %X Subtle. %A Colin Fletcher %T The Man Who Walked Through Time %X Account of a backpack the length of the Grand Canyon. Especially enjoyable for GC boaters out there. %A H. Manning %T Backpacking One Step at a Time %I [Not Mountaineers]