The ever-changing wheel of destiny has smiled on Horizon and enabled us to frequent better, more trendy digs -- meaning we have new contact info. Now that the moving headaches are over, please update your rolodex accordingly to reflect our new address, phone and fax: Horizon Communications 5201 Great America Parkway, Suite 333 Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-969-4888 - phone 408-969-4895 - fax It's also that time of year when we update you on our current client list and verify you are only receiving press releases of interest from Horizon. If you would take the time to fill out this brief questionnaire (below), you can rest certain in the knowledge of actually receiving useful information from a PR company -- how's that for a change of pace? ;) As you probably know, our agency focuses on 3D, multimedia, Java and all that is cutting-edge and cool in technology. I would also encourage you to call, e-mail or page me regarding any technology listed in our survey -- we [207 lines left ... full text available at <url:> ] -------------------------------- Article-ID: 05_1997&4405162 Score: 78 Subject: Windows95, WindowsNT, Windows3x, MS-DOS Programs And Utilities