> I'm surprised that those two gentlemen are not loudly advertising >a move to Albania. And that you are not going there yourself, Mr. Reicher. I cannot believe the number of socialists that do not understand the difference between anarchy and libertarianism. Libertarians believe that government should be used only to protect people from coercing each other. Anarchy is the absence of government, as Albania. There you have people coercing each other which is no better than the government doing it. Hayek and Friedman are not anarchists. Dwight Rounds "Statists favor the transfer of wealth from the productive to the politically powerful, in the name of the poor." [end of message ... text also available at <url:http://www.reference.com/cgi-bin/pn/go?choice=message&table=04_1997&mid=2887086&hilit=ANARCHY> ] -------------------------------- Article-ID: 04_1997&2886906 Score: 82 Subject: Re: MOGADISHU FACTION LEADERS MEET TO SOLVE DIFFERENCES