Credits & Thanks
Text, audio, still images and video information units are mostly drawn from my own archives and have been created since 1984. Part of the video-material has been elaborated during my workshops with students at the "F+F Artschool" in Zurich and at the Department for Media Studies at University of Lapland in Rovaniemi (Finland). The following artists have given me permission to utilize stills from their work: Stefan Altenburger, Peter Spillmann, Peter Mettler. This "game" is a bona fide research project. Text from other authors than myself are to be considered as secondary literature as in any academic paper.
Thanks to Raoul Cannemeyer, Nicolas Bonstein, Laurence Desarzens, Heidi Saxer and the Arts Council of Switzerland PRO HELVETIA (Zurich Switzerland);Konrad Becker and Institute for New Cultural Technologies / PUBLIC NETBASE (Vienna, Austria, Professor Erkki Huhtamo and the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi (Finland); Hansjörg Mattmüller and F+F School of Art (Zurich). CYPRESS - Intercultural Centre for Transdisciplinary Praxis, Research and Exchange (Aix en Provence) and HUGO - Network for Swiss Cultural Centers and Music Clubs. Eternal thanks to Adam & Eve, my parents; Lilith, Lucifer and Buddha, as well as Alexandra and Jessie.