One of the big E-Text archives with a remarkable diversity. It's fun to spy in these wired waters.
Ms.Guidance on E-Text
Complete Works of William Shakespeare, The Quran, Principia Discordia, Ambrose Bierce "The Devils Dictionary", Shelley's "Frankenstein", Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland", John Milton "Paradise Lost", Plato's "Republic", E.R. Burroughs "At the Earth's Core" and many more
Good Fringe department with a strong occult section
delievers usefull hints for the toxicomaniac
??? Read more about it!
Most extensive political text resources, references to political and enviromental Groups and many Journals. Lots of Situationist stuff. Loads of Zapatista material. Good Selection of online books and alternativ reading.
Hakim Bey, Bob Black, Guy Debord, Bakunin, Noam Chomksy, Emma Goldman, Aldous Huxley, Kropotkin, Proudhon, Max Stirner, Bernard Shaw, Henry David Thoreau, Leo Tolstoy, Malatesta,
see also:
Spunk Press Subject Catalog Euro-Server
Spunk Press Subject Catalog US - Server
CTHEORY, Cultronix, Feminism, Fiction, Film and Television, Gender and Sexuality, Government and Society, History, Internet, Journals and Newspapers, Languages and Linguistics, Libraries
De Landa interview, Anthropology and Culture
Artifice and Intelligence, About Lie Detectors, Debunking v Counterintelligence, Feminists and Cyberspace, Bruce Sterling
This collection contains canonical philosophic texts and links to scholarly philosophic organizations.
Research Library Collections
a service of the Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link, one of the oldest net-communities in SF
John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt from International Policy Department
Explaining cyberwar and information-related factors in military history. It's happening now!
Intelligence: Information gathering and analysis
Open Source Solutions, Inc. -- OSSgopher / Open Source Intelligence - Public Access Spying / "The Transformation of War and the Future of the Corps" (Steele) / "National Intelligence and the American Enterprise"
internationale situaniste the archive
Situationist and Situ-inspired graphics, Pre-Situ and Situationist journal articles. Guy Debord and Raoul Vaneigem library.
The source reference of the author of Manufacturing Consent
Fine Literature Digitally Re-published
One of the earliest and most astonishing examples of surrealist writing, Lautréamont's fantasy unveils a world - half-vision, half-nightmare - of angels and gravediggers, hermaphrodites and pederasts, lunatics and strange children. The writing is drenched with an unrestrained savagery and menace, and the grandiose by turns - possesses a remarkable hallucinatory quality.
The complete works of - unfortunately not complete yet...
A list of Virtual Libraries on the Web at CERN
These are collections of information by subject matter, good places to start when looking for information.
Links and original Material from t0 Server
Good references to Philosophy from the academic to the arcane
This is the front page for an index of hundreds of on-line books. It also points to some common repositories of on-line books and other documents.
The Reference Center lets you talk to real-live librarians who can help you find the information you're looking for, as well as giving you access to a handy Ready Reference collection for your own use.
On-line branch of the renowned underground publishing house. Check it out for news from the frontier.
Atomic Books "Literary Finds for Mutated Minds"
Visit their extensive catalog of partly on-line, partly hardcopy stuff on toics ranging from Adult Fiction & Erotica to Conspiracy/Political and Trash & Pop Culture
Alex: A Catalogue of Electronic Texts on the Internet
Alex allows users to find and retrieve the full-text of documents on the Internet. It currently indexes over 700 books and shorter texts by author and title, incorporating texts from Project Gutenberg, Wiretap, the On-line Book Initiative, the Eris system at Virginia Tech, the English Server at Carnegie Mellon University, and the on-line portion of the Oxford Text Archive. For now it includes no serials. Alex does include an entry for itself.
Classic Books, Valdosta State University
National Library of Canada Canadian libraries Canadian government information Canadian Internet resources and navigation tools Canadian electronic publications
Gopher library catalogues Millbrook Univ. Australia
A long list of Australian academic E-Text resources, links to Asia and Middle East
Some books and many links to other E-text sites.
The Underground Review and a smorgasbord of other hard to find information that is listed under "Other Interesting Stuff" (below). The Underground Review and several of the other publications are contained in an "executable" file that is designed to run in DOS
Cheat on entrance exams... Legally!, Commodities... 44 Trading Secrets
But where has it gone...?
International relations gopher
Linx auf United Nations, NAFTA, World Bank
BIBOS is Austrias OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). It supports only terminal emulation for public access and uses a specific retrieval form of its own. The gateway runs the terminal session on behalf of the user and hypertexts the search results.
if you read everything, then you might want to read etoy text processor webpages