Here you can find papers about Bioetics and similar issues.
Bioethics Online Service and other Bioethics Web Sites of the Medical College of Wisconsin.
The neem tree - a case history of
A classic case of biopiracy by transnational
corporations is that of the neem tree in India.
Vandana Shiva provides the background to
this attempt to appropriate an invaluable
biological resource of the South.
A worldwide fight against biopiracy and
patents on life by Martin Khor.
ENGINEERING GENESIS from the Society, Religion and Technology Project of the Church of Scotland.
DANGERS OF GENETIC MANIPULATION This is an an Address by Pope John Paul II to members of the World Medical Association(October 29, 1983)!
Ethics & Genetics A global conversation.
The Genetic Revolution and The Right to Privacy.
The issue of the right to privacy comes to bear when discussing genetic engineering as it applies to the use of techniques such as genetic fingerprinting and gene therapy. Privacy becomes an issue, also, in considering the role of government in requesting and requiring testing.
SHAPING GENES Ethics, Law and Science of Using New Genetic
Technology in Medicine and Agriculture.
Centre for Applied Ethics University of British Columbia
MetaGenethics Sites with a small collection around Eugenics.
Public Policy Of Eugenics by Eileen Manion
AMERICAN EUGENICS SOCIETY A book by Katharine O'Keefe. This book documents the means by which eugenic goals have been introduced
into the mainstream of American intellectual and political life, and the
extent to which this mainstreaming has occurred.
Journal of
Transhumanist Resources
Transhumanism is a philosophy that humanity can, and should, strive to
higher levels, both physically, mentally and socially. It encourages research
into such areas as life extension, cryonics, nanotechnology, physical and
mental enhancements, uploading human consciousness into computers
and megascale engineering.
Biotechnology by Bryan Herger Biotechnology has become a rapidly growing field of science. It has great
potential to benefit mankind by finding the cure of certain diseases, giving
us a clear understanding of how a human being functions, and so on.
However, at the same time, developments within biotechnology give cause
for concern, particularly genetic engineering. Several areas of study within
biotechnology will be examined here.
FLESHMACHINE Critical Art Ensemble
Check out their upcoming project at Public Netbase t0!
VersaBot/P is a miniature robot designed for use in the Neurophysiology lab. VersaBot/P simulates responses of an awake
behaving animal while generating waveforms characteristic of intracranial extracellular recordings and it reduces the use of live testing-animals!
TechnoSphere Create a creature.
GATTACA the hollywood version of genetic engineering and eugenics. for this trailer you will need real player 5.0
New Frontiers in Fetal
Surgery by Craig Farrand
Relevant Molecular Cell Biology WWW pages A compilation at the Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Universiteit Utrecht
Research at the department of
Molecular Cell Biology &
Genetics at the University of Maastricht
Freak frogs A wave of deformed frogs
and other amphibians turning up across North
The Buckminster Fullerene Molecule by Kristen Geiger