* Common tags for a start:
Points and brackets mark the parts for your input !
<H1>......</H1>    - very big font
<H2>......</H2>    - big font, etc. 
<H6>......</H6>    - tiny little font. 
<B>.......</B>     - bold 
<I>.......</I>     - italic
<TT>......</TT>    - Courier
<BLINK>...</BLINK> - this one's obvious
<P>                - paragraph
<BR>               - brake
<HR>               - Horizontal Rule Line
<FONT COLOR="#(rgb !)">.. </FONT> - defines color.

* Adding an URL with Target Window:
<A HREF="http://(address)" TARGET="(name).htm"> ... </A>

* Adding an URL without Target Window:
<A HREF="http://(address)"> ..... </A> 
Use the right mouse button to get back.

* Adding an image:
<IMG SRC="http://..">

* Mail Document:
<A HREF="mailto:(name)@(address)">.....</A>