Hey guys and gals... y'all got a great site. I'm really impressed with your vrml and html skills, your stuff is beautifull. I was wondering if you were aware that you're using nodes that are not VRML 1.0, such as spline paths and rotations. While I don't have an inherent problem with these things, they definately aren't vrml, they're iv. I hope this doens't sound nitpicking, and I don't mean to detract from the very, very impressive work that you've done. I just wouldn't call it vrml. Question: do you know how browsers that don't deal with non-vrml 1.0 node will intrepret, say, your spinning axes? Will they just not spin, might they not be rendered at all, or will the entire file not load? If you're interested, we've come up with some vrml optimization tools that you might be interested in; they'll significantly reduce the size of your .wrl files, with no loss of rendering accuracy. I'd love to chat with any of you about vrml shit; I'm part of the vrml team that put together the Interactive Media Festival's Variety VRML site (http://www.arc.org), perhaps you've seen it. I'm presently involved in a startup business here in San Francisco; we're going to be offereing html and vrml content, as well as integrating whatever other cool new net tech comes down the pipe. Send me some email and let's talk! --adam gould goolie@well.com