I killed another one yesterday.
I didn't mean to.
It just turned out that way.
Some days are like that.
It was before work.
Before the day got really bad.
Before I had to feign interest in the tales spoken by plump battery men who own half the city.
Men who wear braces and gaudy ties in a sad attempt to display their inner wild child selves.
Fools who believe themselves too rich to be killed.
we were in the chateau, somewhere in the south of france
I'd never been there before
you had
deep forest outside
inside the walking wounded
you were naked on your hands and knees
a silver tray carrying delicious treats on your back
crawling towards me
wanting only to serve me
this is terrifying for me
I want to love you
but it's much easier to kill you
one quick deep stab to the heart
and it's over
I thought I was heartless
but now i'm filled with remorse
at my carelessness
by gashgirl