
part of the exhibition on May 29, 1999 a symposium with speakers
including the internationally renowned science fiction cult
author, hyperspace mathematician, and expert for artificial
life, Rudy Rucker (USA) and the system theoretician and simulation
expert, John Casti took place at Vienna's Museumsquartier.
In Cooperation with Architektur Zentrum Wien and
Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung |
playwork:hyperspace illustrated the relationship between popular
game worlds and scientific and socially relevant developments.
Using the latest 3-D visualizations and 3-D simulations, the
exhibition showed how digital expert systems and knowledge databases
modify our traditional ideas of learning and education and influence
daily working processes.
Interaction with high-tech systems allows us to abandon the
two-dimensional screen interfaces to which we are accustomed.
Instead, navigational systems venture into three-dimensional
structures. |